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  • ÑÌÆ — ñïèííîìîçãîâàÿ æèäêîñòü
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  • ÑÒ — Ñèíäðîì Òóðåòòà
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  • ñóò — ñóòêè
  • ÑÕÓ — ñèíäðîì õðîíè÷åñêîé óñòàëîñòè
  • ò.ä. — òàê äàëåå
  • ò.å. — òî åñòü
  • ò.ê. — òàê êàê
  • ò.î. — òàêèì îáðàçîì
  • ò.ï. — òîìó ïîäîáíîå
  • Ò3 — òðèéîäòèðîíèí
  • Ò4 — òèðîêñèí
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  • ÒÈÀ — òðàíçèòîðíàÿ èøåìè÷åñêàÿ àòàêà
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  • ÒÝÄ —òðàíçèòîðíàÿ ýðèòðîáëàñòîïåíèÿ äåòñêîãî âîçðàñòà
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  • ÒÝÎ — òðîìáîýìáîëè÷åñêèå îñëîæíåíèÿ
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  • ÖÎÃ — öèêëîîêñèãåíàçà
  • ÖÏÄ — öåðåáðàëüíîå ïåðôóçèîííîå äàâëåíèå
  • ÖÑÒÑ — öåðåáðàëüíûé ñîëüòåðÿþùèé ñèíäðîì ÷ — ÷àñ
  • ×Ä — ÷àñòîòà äûõàíèÿ
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  • ×Ê — ÷ðåñêîæíîå êîðîíàðíîå âìåøàòåëüñòâî
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  • ×ÌÒ — ÷åðåïíî-ìîçãîâàÿ òðàâìà
  • ×Í — ÷åðåïíûå íåðâû
  • ×Ñ — ÷óâñòâèòåëüíîñòü/ñïåöèôè÷íîñòü (×Ñ 97%/87%)
  • ×ÑÑ — ÷àñòîòà ñåðäå÷íûõ ñîêðàùåíèé
  • ×ÑÑÏ - ÷àñòîòà ñåðäå÷íûõ ñîêðàùåíèé ïëîäà
  • ×Ò — ÷àñòè÷íîå òðîìáîïëàñòèíîâîå âðåìÿ
  • ØÊÃ — øêàëà êîìû Ãëàçãî
  • ØÎÏ — øåéíûé îòäåë ïîçâîíî÷íèêà
  • ÙÆ — ùèòîâèäíàÿ æåëåçà
  • ÃÖÔ — ùåëî÷íàÿ ôîñôàòàçà
  • ÝÀÐ — ýêâèâàëåíò àêòèâíîñòè ðåòèíîëà
  • ÝÄÒÀ — ýòèëåíäèàìèíòåòðàóêñóñíàÿ êèñëîòà (ýòèëåíäèàìèíòåòðààöåòàò)
  • ÝÊÃ — ýëåêòðîêàðäèîãðàôèÿ
  • ÝÊÌÎ — ýêñòðàêîðïîðàëüíàÿ ìåìáðàííàÿ îêñèãåíàöèÿ
  • ÝÊÎ — ýêñòðàêîðïîðàëüíîå îïëîäîòâîðåíèå
  • ÝÊÑ — ýëåêòðîêàðäèîñòèìóëÿòîð, ýëåêãðîêàðäèîñòèìóëÿöèÿ
  • ÝÌÃ — ýëåêòðîìèîãðàôèÿ
  • ÝÌÊ — ýëåêòðîííàÿ ìåäèöèíñêàÿ êàðòà
  • ÝÌÏ — ýêñòðåííàÿ ìåäèöèíñêàÿ ïîìîùü
  • ÝÍÌÏ — ýêñòðåííàÿ è íåîòëîæíàÿ ìåäèöèíñêàÿ ïîìîùü
  • ÝÍÌÒ — ýêñòðåìàëüíî íèçêàÿ ìàññà òåëà
  • ÝÒÒ — ýíäîòðàõåàëüíàÿ òðóáêà
  • ÝõîÊà — ýõîêàðäèîãðàôèÿ
  • ÝÝÃ — ýëåêòðîýíöåôàëîãðàôèÿ
  • ÞÄÌ — þâåíèëüíûé äåðìàòîìèîçèò
  • ÞÈÀ — þâåíèëüíûé èäèîïàòè÷åñêèé àðòðèò
  • ßÁ — ÿçâåííàÿ áîëåçíü
  • ÀÀ — àìèëîèä A (amyloid À)
  • ÀÀÐ — Àìåðèêàíñêàÿ àêàäåìèÿ ïåäèàòðèè (American Academy of Pediatrics)
  • ABC — àëãîðèòì íåîòëîæíîé ïîìîùè «äûõàòåëüíûå ïóòè-äûõàíèå-êðîâîîáðàùåíèå» (Airways-Breathing-Circulation)
  • ÀÂÑÀ3 — áåëêîâûé ÷ëåí ÀÒÔ-ñâÿçûâàþùåé êàññåòû À3
  • ÀÂÑÂ11— ãåí ÀÒÔ-ñâÿçûâàþùåé êàññåòû, 11-é ÷ëåí ïîäñåìåéñòâà  (ATP-binding cassette, sub-family  member 11)
  • ÀÂÑÂ4 — ãåí ÀÒÔ-ñâÿçûâàþùåé êàññåòû, 4-é ÷ëåí ïîäñåìåéñòâà  (ATP-binding cassette 4 gene)
  • ÀÂÑÑ2 — ãåí, êîäèðóþùèé 2-é ÷ëåí ïîäñåìåéñòâà Ñ ÀÒÔ-ñâÿçûâàþùèõ êàññåò (ATP-binding cassette sub-family Ñ member 2)
  • ABCDE — àëãîðèòì íåîòëîæíîé ïîìîùè «äûõàòåëüíûå ïóòè-äûõàíèå-êðîâîîáðàùåíèå-íåâðîëîãè÷åñêèé ñòàòóñ-âíåøíèé âèä» (Airways-Breathing-Circulation-Disability- Exposure)
  • ABCG5/G8 — ãåòåðîäèìåð ïåðåíîñ÷èêà ÀÒÔ-ñâÿçûâàþùåé êàññåòû ABCG5 è ABCG8 (The heterodimer of ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCG5 and ABCG8)
  • AC — äî åäû (ïðè íàçíà÷åíèÿõ) — ante cibum
  • ÀÑÅÐ — Àìåðèêàíñêàÿ êîëëåãèÿ âðà÷åé íåîòëîæíîé ïîìîùè (American College of Emergency Physicians)
  • ACOG — Àìåðèêàíñêàÿ êîëëåãèÿ àêóøåðîâ è ãèíåêîëîãîâ (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists)
  • AHA — Àìåðèêàíñêàÿ êàðäèîëîãè÷åñêàÿ àññîöèàöèÿ (American Heart Association)
  • ALTE — î÷åâèäíîå îïàñíîå äëÿ æèçíè ñîáûòèå (apparent life-threatening event)
  • APLS — êóðñû ðàñøèðåííûõ ðåàíèìàöèîííûõ ìåðîïðèÿòèé â ïåäèàòðèè, ñïîíñèðóåìûå Àìåðèêàíñêîé àêàäåìèåé ïåäèàòðèè è Àìåðèêàíñêîé êîëëåãèåé âðà÷åé íåîòëîæíîé ïîìîùè (Advanced Pediatric Life Support)
  • ARPKD — àóòîñîìíî-ðåöåññèâíûé ïîëèêèñòîç ïî÷åê
  • ASCVD-ðèñê — ðèñê ðàçâèòèÿ àòåðîñêëåðîòè÷åñêîãî ñåðäå÷íî-ñîñóäèñòîãî çàáîëåâàíèÿ (ArterioSclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, ASCVD)
  • AVPU — øêàëà äëÿ îöåíêè óðîâíÿ ñîçíàíèÿ («â ÿñíîì ñîçíàíèè»; «ðåàêöèÿ íà âåðáàëüíûå ðàçäðàæèòåëè»; «ðåàêöèÿ íà áîëü»; «áåç ñîçíàíèÿ») (alert, verbal, pain, unresponsive)
  • BCS — ìèòîõîíäðèàëüíûé øàïåðîí BCS1 (mitochondrial chaperone BCS1)
  • BIN — áèíîìèíàëüíàÿ íîìåíêëàòóðà «æèâîé» ïðèðîäû
  • BiPAP — ðåæèì èñêóññòâåííîé âåíòèëÿöèè ëåãêèõ ñ äâóìÿ óðîâíÿìè ïîëîæèòåëüíîãî äàâëåíèÿ (bilevel positive airway pressure) = ÂÐÀÐ
  • BNP — íàòðèéóðåòè÷åñêèé ïåïòèä Â-òèïà — ìîçãîâîé ( (brain)-type natriuretic peptide)
  • BRUE — áûñòðî ðàçðåøèâøèåñÿ íåîáúÿñíèìûå ñîáûòèÿ (Brief resolved unexplained events)
  • BSEP — íàñîñ âûâåäåíèÿ ñîëåé æåë÷íûõ êèñëîò
  • CADASIL — öåðåáðàëüíàÿ àóòîñîìíî-äîìèíàíòíàÿ àðòåðèîïàòèÿ ñ ïîäêîðêîâûìè èíôàðêòàìè è ëåéêîýíöåôàëîïàòèåé (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy)
  • CAPS — êðèîïèðèí-àññîöèèðîâàííûé ïåðèîäè÷åñêèé ñèíäðîì (cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome)
  • CBIT — êîìïëåêñíîå ïîâåäåí÷åñêîå âîçäåéñòâèå ïðè òèêàõ (Comprehensive behavioral intervention for tics)
  • CD — êëàñòåðû äèôôåðåíöèðîâêè (clusters of differentiation)
  • CDC — Öåíòð ïî êîíòðîëþ è ïðîôèëàêòèêå çàáîëåâàíèé, ÑØÀ (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • CDG — âðîæäåííûå íàðóøåíèÿ ãëèêîçèëèðîâàíèÿ (Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation)
  • CFTR — òðàíñìåìáðàííûé ðåãóëÿòîð ìóêîâèñöèäîçà (cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator)
  • CH — ãåìîëèòè÷åñêèé êîìïëåìåíò (hemolytic complement)
  • CLLS — øêàëà îöåíêè îñòðîé ãîðíîé áîëåçíè îçåðà Ëóèç ó äåòåé (Childrens Lake Louise Score)
  • CMT — Øàðêî-Ìàðè-Òóòà áîëåçíü (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease)
  • ÑÐÀÐ — ïîñòîÿííîå ïîëîæèòåëüíîå äàâëåíèå â äûõàòåëüíûõ ïóòÿõ (Constant Positive Airway Pressure)
  • CYP — öèòîõðîì îáùèé
  • DAF — ôàêòîð óñêîðåíèÿ ðàñïàäà (decay-accelerating factor)
  • DGAT1 —äèàöèëãëèöåðèí-1-àöèëòðàíñôåðàçà (diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1)
  • DHR — äèãèäðîðîäàìèí (dihydrorhodamine)
  • DSM — Äèàãíîñòè÷åñêîå è ñòàòèñòè÷åñêîå ðóêîâîäñòâî ïî ïñèõè÷åñêèì ðàññòðîéñòâàì (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)
  • EAST syndrome — ýïèëåïñèÿ, àòàêñèÿ, ñåíñîíåâðàëüíàÿ òóãîóõîñòü è òóáóëîïàòèÿ (epilepsy, ataxia, sensorineural hearing loss, and tubulopath)
  • EBM — äîêàçàòåëüíàÿ ìåäèöèíà (Evidence based medicine)
  • EPCAM— ìîëåêóëà àäãåçèè ýïèòåëèàëüíûõ êëåòîê (epithelial cell adhesion molecule)
  • ESC — Åâðîïåéñêîå îáùåñòâî êàðäèîëîãèè (European Society of Cardiology)
  • EXIT — ëå÷åíèå âíå ìàòêè âî âðåìÿ ðîäîâ (Ex utero intrapartum treatment)
  • FAST — ñôîêóñèðîâàííàÿ ñîíîãðàôèÿ áðþøíîé ïîëîñòè ïðè òðàâìå (focused assessment with sonography in trauma)
  • FDA — Êîìèòåò ïî êîíòðîëþ çà ëåêàðñòâåííûìè âåùåñòâàìè è ïèùåâûìè äîáàâêàìè, ÑØÀ (Food and Drug Administration)
  • FFR — ôðàêöèîííûé ðåçåðâ êðîâîòîêà (Fractional Flow Reserve)
  • FGF-23 — ôàêòîð ðîñòà ôèáðîáëàñòîâ-23 (Fibroblast growth factor-23)
  • FIC 1 —ñåìåéíûé âíóòðèïå÷åíî÷íûé õîëåñòàç 1-ãî òèïà, áîëåçíü Áàéëåðà (familial intrahepatic cholestasis)
  • FiO2 — ôðàêöèÿ êèñëîðîäà (âî âäûõàåìîì âîçäóõå, ãàçîâîé ñìåñè)
  • FISH — ôëóîðåñöåíòíàÿ in situ ãèáðèäèçàöèÿ (fluorescence in situ hybridization)
  • FLAIR — âîññòàíîâëåíèå èíâåðñèè ñ îñëàáëåíèåì æèäêîñòè (fluid-attenuated inversion recovery)
  • FMF — ñåìåéíàÿ ñðåäèçåìíîìîðñêàÿ ëèõîðàäêà (Familial Mediterranean fever)
  • GATA — gata-ñâÿçûâàþùèé áåëîê
  • HADH — ãèäðîêñèëàöèë-ÊîÀ-äåãèäðîãåíàçà (Hydro-xyacyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase)
  • HAV — âèðóñ ãåïàòèòà Â (hepatitis A virus)
  • Hb — ãåìîãëîáèí
  • HBcAg — ñåðäöåâèííûé àíòèãåí âèðóñà ãåïàòèòà Â
  • HBeAg — àíòèãåí âèðóñà ãåïàòèòà Â
  • HBsAg — ïîâåðõíîñòíûé àíòèãåí âèðóñà ãåïàòèòà Â
  • HBV — âèðóñ ãåïàòèòà  (hepatitis  virus)
  • HCV — âèðóñ ãåïàòèòà Ñ (hepatitis Ñ virus)
  • HDV — âèðóñ ãåïàòèòà D (hepatitis D virus)
  • HFNC — íàçàëüíûå êàíþëè âûñîêîãî ïîòîêà (heated, high-flow nasal cannula)
  • Hib — ãåìîôèëüíàÿ ïàëî÷êà òèïà  (Haemophilus influenzae  type)
  • HLA — ëåéêîöèòàðíûå àíòèãåíû (ãëàâíîãî êîìïëåêñà ãèñòîñîâìåñòèìîñòè) ÷åëîâåêà (human leukocyte antigens)
  • HR — îòíîøåíèå ðèñêîâ (hazard ratio)
  • HRT — òåðàïèÿ îòìåíû ïðèâû÷êè (Habit reversal therapy)
  • Ht — ãåìàòîêðèò
  • HTLV — Ò-ëèìôîòðîïíûé âèðóñ ÷åëîâåêà (human T-lymphotropic virus)
  • Ig — èììóíîãëîáóëèí
  • IgA — èììóíîãëîáóëèí A
  • IgE — èììóíîãëîáóëèí E
  • IgG — èììóíîãëîáóëèí G
  • IgM — èììóíîãëîáóëèí M
  • IL — èíòåðëåéêèí
  • IPEX — Õ-ñöåïëåííûé ñèíäðîì èììóííîé äèñðå-ãóëÿöèè, ïîëèýíäîêðèíîïàòèè è ýíòåðîïàòèè (Immunedysregulation polyendocrinopathy enteropathy, X-linked)
  • IQ — êîýôôèöèåíò óìñòâåííîãî ðàçâèòèÿ (intelligence quotient)
  • JAK — ÿíóñ-êèíàçà (Janus kinase)
  • LFA — àíòèãåí, àêòèâèðóþùèé ôóíêöèþ ëåéêîöèòîâ (Lymphocyte function-associated antigen)
  • LT — ëåéêîòðèåí
  • MALT — ëèìôîèäíàÿ òêàíü ñëèçèñòîé îáîëî÷êè (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue)
  • MASP — ÌÑË-àññîöèèðîâàííàÿ ñåðèíîâàÿ ïðîòåàçà (MBL-associated serine protease)
  • MBL — ìàííîçî-ñâÿçûâàþùèé ëåêòèí (mannose-
  • binding lectin)
  • MCP — ìåìáðàííûé áåëîê-êîôàêòîð (membrane cofactor protein)
  • MDR3 — áåëîê ìíîæåñòâåííîé ëåêàðñòâåííîé óñòîé÷èâîñòè 3 (multidrug resistance protein 3)
  • MELAS — ìèòîõîíäðèàëüíàÿ ýíöåôàëîïàòèÿ, ëàêòîàöèäîç è èíñóëüòîïîäîáíûå ýïèçîäû (mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes)
  • MERRF — ìèîêëîíè÷åñêàÿ ýïèëåïñèÿ ñ ðâàíûìè êðàñíûìè âîëîêíàìè (Myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers)
  • Mr — êàæóùàÿñÿ ìîëåêóëÿðíàÿ ìàññà
  • MRP — áåëîê ñ ìíîæåñòâåííîé ëåêàðñòâåííîé óñòîé÷èâîñòüþ (multidrug-resistant protein)
  • MRSA — ìåòèöèëëèíðåçèñòåíòíûé çîëîòèñòûé ñòàôèëîêîêê
  • MSSA — ìåòèöèëëèí÷óâñòâèòåëüíûé çîëîòèñòûé ñòàôèëîêîêê
  • NB! — âàæíî, îáðàòèòü âíèìàíèå (Nota bene)
  • NICE — Íàöèîíàëüíûé èíñòèòóò çäîðîâüÿ è êëèíè÷åñêîãî ñîâåðøåíñòâîâàíèÿ (êà÷åñòâà ìåäèöèíñêîé ïîìîùè) Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence)
  • NK — åñòåñòâåííûå êëåòêè-êèëëåðû (natural killer)
  • NMDA — N-ìåòèë-D-àñïàðòàò (N-methyl-D-aspartate)
  • NMDA — N-ìåòèë-D-àñïàðòàòíûå ðåöåïòîðû
  • NNT — ÷èñëî áîëüíûõ, êîòîðûõ íåîáõîäèìî ïðîëå÷èòü, ÷òîáû äîñòè÷ü êàêîãî-òî óêàçàííîãî ýôôåêòà (Number Need to Treatment)
  • OR — îòíîøåíèå øàíñîâ (odds ratio)
  • paCO2 — ïàðöèàëüíîå äàâëåíèå óãëåêèñëîãî ãàçà â àðòåðèàëüíîé êðîâè
  • PALS — êóðñû ðàñøèðåííûõ ðåàíèìàöèîííûõ ìåðîïðèÿòèé â ïåäèàòðèè (Pediatric Advanced Life Support)
  • PANDAS — àóòîèììóííîå íåéðîïñèõèàòðè÷åñêîå ðàññòðîéñòâî â äåòñêîì âîçðàñòå, àññîöèèðîâàííîå ñî ñòðåïòîêîêêîâîé èíôåêöèåé (Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infection)
  • PANS — îñòðûé íåéðîïñèõèàòðè÷åñêèé ñèíäðîì â äåòñêîì âîçðàñòå (Pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome)
  • paO2 — ïàðöèàëüíîå äàâëåíèå êèñëîðîäà â àðòåðèàëüíîé êðîâè
  • PAS — ôóêñèíñåðíèñòàÿ êèñëîòà, ðåàêòèâ Øèôôà (periodic acid-Shiff)
  • PC — ïîñëå åäû (ïðè íàçíà÷åíèÿõ) — post cibum ðÑO2 — ïàðöèàëüíîå äàâëåíèå óãëåêèñëîãî ãàçà
  • PCSK-9 — ïðîïðîòåèíîâàÿ êîíâåðòàçà ñóáòèëèçèí-êåêñè-íîâîãî òèïà 9 (proprotein convertase subtilisin/ kexin type 9)
  • PFAPA — ïåðèîäè÷åñêàÿ ëèõîðàäêà ñ àôòîçíûì ñòîìàòèòîì, ôàðèíãèòîì è ëèìôàäåíèòîì (Periodic Fevers with Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis and Adenitis)
  • PFIC — ñåìåéíûé âíóòðèïå÷åíî÷íûé õîëåñòàç (familial intrahepatic cholestasis)
  • Pg — ïðîñòàãëàíäèí
  • pH — âîäîðîäíûé ïîêàçàòåëü
  • PIM — ïîêàçàòåëü ëåòàëüíîãî èñõîäà ó äåòåé (Pediatric Index of Mortality)
  • piO2 — ïàðöèàëüíîå äàâëåíèå êèñëîðîäà âî âäûõàåìîì
  • âîçäóõå
  • ðO2 — ïàðöèàëüíîå äàâëåíèå êèñëîðîäà
  • POLG — ñóáúåäèíèöà ÄÍÊ-ïîëèìåðàçû ó
  • PRISA II — îöåíêà ðèñêà ãîñïèòàëèçàöèè ó äåòåé II (Pediatric Risk of Admission)
  • PRISM — ðèñê ëåòàëüíîãî èñõîäà ó äåòåé (Pediatric Risk of Mortality)
  • PRN — ïðè (ïî) íåîáõîäèìîñòè (Pro re nata — ïðè âîçíèêíîâåíèè îáñòîÿòåëüñòâ)
  • PRSS — ãåí ñåðèíîâîé ïðîòåàçû
  • PS. — ïðèìå÷àíèå (Post scriptum)
  • PUVA-òåðàïèÿ — ïñîðàëåí-óëüòðàôèîëåò À-òåðàïèÿ (psoralen and ultraviolet À)
  • Q#H — êàæäûå # ÷àñîâ (ïðè íàçíà÷åíèÿõ) — quaque ... hora
  • QAM — êàæäîå óòðî (ïðè íàçíà÷åíèÿõ) — quaque ante meridiem
  • QPM — êàæäûé âå÷åð (ïðè íàçíà÷åíèÿõ) — quaque post meridiem
  • RAG — ãåí, àêòèâèðóþùèé ðåêîìáèíàçó
  • RePEAT— ïåðåñìîòðåííûé èíñòðóìåíò äëÿ îöåíêè ïåäèàòðè÷åñêîé íåîòëîæíîé ìåäèöèíñêîé ïîìîùè (Revised Pediatric Emergency Assessment Tool)
  • RF — ðåâìàòîèäíûé ôàêòîð
  • Rh — ðåçóñ(-ôàêòîð)
  • Rh«-» — ðåçóñ-îòðèöàòåëüí(ûé)
  • Rh«+» — ðåçóñ-ïîëîæèòåëüí(ûé)
  • ROHHAD — áûñòðî ðàçâèâàþùååñÿ îæèðåíèå ñ äèñôóíêöèåé ãèïîòàëàìóñà, ãèïîâåíòèëÿöèåé è ñïîíòàííîé äèñðåãóëÿöèåé (rapid-onset obesity with hypothalamic dysfunction, hypoventilation and autonomic dysregulation)
  • RR — îòíîñèòåëüíûé ðèñê (relative risk èëè risk ratio) RW — ðåàêöèÿ Âàññåðìàíà (reaction of Wassermann)
  • SaO2 — ñàòóðàöèÿ àðòåðèàëüíîé êðîâè êèñëîðîäîì SatO2 — íàñûùåíèå êðîâè êèñëîðîäîì
  • ScvO2 — íàñûùåíèå êèñëîðîäîì öåíòðàëüíîé âåíîçíîé êðîâè (Central venous oxygen saturation)
  • SD — ñòàíäàðòíîå îòêëîíåíèå (standart deviation) SFTPA — ãåí ñóðôàêòàíòíîãî áåëêà A
  • SFTPB — ãåí ñóðôàêòàíòíîãî áåëêà Â
  • SFTPC — ãåí ñóðôàêòàíòíîãî áåëêà Ñ
  • SPINK — èíãèáèòîð ñåðèíîâîé ïðîòåàçû
  • SpO2 — íàñûùåíèå (ñàòóðàöèÿ) ãåìîãëîáèíà êèñëîðîäîì spp. — âèäû (ïðè ðîäîâîì èìåíè ìèêðîîðãàíèçìîâ)
  • Src. — èñòî÷íèê èíôîðìàöèè, áèáëèîãðàôè÷åñêàÿ ññûëêà (source)
  • STAT1 — ñèãíàëüíûé ïðåîáðàçîâàòåëü è àêòèâàòîð òðàíñêðèïöèè 1 (signal transducer and activator of transcription)
  • TA — ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ àíàòîìè÷åñêàÿ òåðìèíîëîãèÿ TCR — T-êëåòî÷íûé ðåöåïòîð (T-cell receptor)
  • TLRs — Òîëë-ïîäîáíûå ðåöåïòîðû (Toll-like receptors) TNF — ôàêòîð íåêðîçà îïóõîëè (tumor necrosis factor)
  • TORCH — òîêñîïëàçìîç, êðàñíóõà, öèòîìåãàëîâèðóñíàÿ èíôåêöèÿ, ãåðïåñ è äðóãèå èíôåêöèè (Toxoplasmosis, Other infections, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus Herpes simplex)
  • TPM — ìóòàöèÿ òðîïîìèîçèíà (mutation of the tropomyosin)
  • TRAP — ñèíäðîì îáðàòíîé àðòåðèàëüíîé ïåðôóçèè áëèçíåöîâ (twin reversed arterial perfusion)
  • TRAPS — ïåðèîäè÷åñêèé ñèíäðîì, àññîöèèðîâàííûé ñ ðåöåïòîðîì ôàêòîðà íåêðîçà îïóõîëè (Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-Associated Periodic Syndrome)
  • ™ — òîðãîâàÿ ìàðêà
  • URL — èíòåðíåò-ññûëêà, àäðåñ èíòåðíåò-ðåñóðñà (Uniform Resource Locator)
  • VEGF — ôàêòîð ðîñòà ýíäîòåëèÿ ñîñóäîâ (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor)
  • WPW — ñèíäðîì Âîëüôà-Ïàðêèíñîíà-Óàéòà (Wolff-Parkinson-White)
  • XLA — Õ-ñöåïëåííàÿ àãàììàãëîáóëèíåìèÿ (X-linked agammaglobulinemia)
  • aDG-RD — äèñòðîôèè, ñâÿçàííûå ñ a-äèñòðîãëèêàíàìè (alpha dystroglycan-related dystrophies)
  • β-ÕÃ× — β-ñóáúåäèíèöà õîðèîíè÷åñêîãî ãîíàäîòðîïèíà ÷åëîâåêà

 õîäå ïîäãîòîâêè ñòàòåé ïî äåòñêîé ãåìàòîëîãèè â ïåäèàòðèè äëÿ ïîëüçîâàòåëåé ñàéòà ÌåäÓíèâåð èñïîëüçîâàíû òðóäû ñëåäóþùèõ àâòîðîâ:

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